--- /dev/null
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+PKG_MAINTAINER:=Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni@bootlin.com>
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+include ../python3-package.mk
+define Package/python3-semanage
+ SUBMENU:=Python
+ SECTION:=lang
+ CATEGORY:=Languages
+ TITLE:=SELinux policy management library bindings
+ DEPENDS:=+python3-light +libsemanage
+ URL:=http://selinuxproject.org/page/Main_Page
+define Package/python3-semanage/description
+ libsemanage is the policy management library. It uses
+ libsepol for binary policy manipulation and libselinux for
+ interacting with the SELinux system. It also exec's helper
+ programs for loading policy and for checking whether the
+ file_contexts configuration is valid (load_policy and
+ setfiles from policycoreutils) presently, although this may
+ change at least for the bootstrapping case (for rpm).
+ This package provides the Python bindings for libsemanage.
+define Build/Compile
+ $(call Build/Compile/Default,pywrap)
+define Build/Install
+ $(call Build/Install/Default,install-pywrap)
+$(eval $(call Py3Package,python3-semanage))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,python3-semanage))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,python3-semanage-src))
+++ /dev/null
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
-PKG_MAINTAINER:=Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni@bootlin.com>
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
-include ../python3-package.mk
-define Package/python3-libsemanage
- TITLE:=Python bindings for the SELinux policy management library
- SUBMENU:=Python
- SECTION:=lang
- CATEGORY:=Languages
- DEPENDS:=+python3 +libsemanage
- URL:=http://selinuxproject.org/page/Main_Page
-define Package/python3-libsemanage/description
- libsemanage is the policy management library. It uses
- libsepol for binary policy manipulation and libselinux for
- interacting with the SELinux system. It also exec's helper
- programs for loading policy and for checking whether the
- file_contexts configuration is valid (load_policy and
- setfiles from policycoreutils) presently, although this may
- change at least for the bootstrapping case (for rpm).
- This package provides the Python bindings for libsemanage.
-endef #'
- PYLIBS="-lpython$(PYTHON3_VERSION)" \
-define Build/Compile
- $(call Build/Compile/Default,swigify pywrap)
-define Build/Install
- $(call Build/Install/Default,install-pywrap)
-define Build/Configure
-define Build/InstallDev
-define Package/python3-libsemanage/install
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,python3-libsemanage))
define Package/selinux-semanage
$(call Package/selinux-python/Default)
- DEPENDS+=+python3-sepolicy +python3-libsemanage +setools
+ DEPENDS+=+python3-sepolicy +python3-semanage +setools
define Package/selinux-semanage/description