m = new form.Map('nextdns', _('NextDNS'),
_('NextDNS Configuration.')
- + '<br>'
+ + '<br />'
+ _('For further information, go to \
<a href="https://nextdns.io" target="_blank">nextdns.io</a>.'));
s.option(form.Value, 'config', _('Configuration ID'),
_('The ID of your NextDNS configuration.')
- + '<br>'
+ + '<br />'
+ _('Go to nextdns.io to create a configuration.'));
o = s.option(form.Flag, 'report_client_info', _('Report Client Info'),
o = s.option(form.Flag, 'hardened_privacy', _('Hardened Privacy'),
_('When enabled, use DNS servers located in jurisdictions with strong privacy laws.')
- + '<br>'
+ + '<br />'
+ _('Available locations are: Switzerland, Iceland, Finland, Panama and Hong Kong.'));
o.rmempty = false;