local ip = require "luci.ip"
local community = "profile_" .. (uci:get("freifunk", "community", "name") or "Freifunk")
-mesh_network = ip.IPv4(uci:get_first(community, "community", "mesh_network") or "")
+local mesh_network = ip.IPv4(uci:get_first(community, "community", "mesh_network") or "")
+local community_ipv6 = uci:get_first(community, "community", "ipv6") or 0
+local community_ipv6mode = uci:get_first(community, "community", "ipv6_config") or "static"
+local meshkit_ipv6 = uci:get("meshwizard", "ipv6", "enabled") or 0
m = Map("meshwizard", translate("Wizard"), translate("This wizard will assist you in setting up your router for Freifunk " ..
"or another similar wireless community network."))
-n = m:section(TypedSection, "netconfig", translate("Interfaces"))
+n = m:section(NamedSection, "netconfig", nil, translate("Interfaces"))
n.anonymous = true
-- common functions
function cbi_configure(device)
- local configure = n:taboption(device, Flag, device .. "_config", translate("Configure this interface"))
+ local configure = n:taboption(device, Flag, device .. "_config", translate("Configure this interface"),
+ translate("Note: this will setup this interface for mesh operation, i.e. add to zone 'freifunk' and enable olsr."))
function cbi_ip4addr(device)
+function cbi_ip6addr(device)
+ local ip6addr = n:taboption(device, Value, device .. "_ip6addr", translate("Mesh IPv6 address"),
+ translate("This is a unique IPv6 address in CIDR notation (e.g. 2001:1:2:3::1/64) and has to be registered at your local community."))
+ ip6addr:depends(device .. "_config", 1)
+ ip6addr.datatype = "ip6addr"
function cbi_dhcp(device)
local dhcp = n:taboption(device, Flag, device .. "_dhcp", translate("Enable DHCP"),
translate("DHCP will automatically assign ip addresses to clients"))
dhcp.rmempty = true
+function cbi_ra(device)
+ local ra = n:taboption(device, Flag, device .. "_ipv6ra", translate("Enable RA"),
+ translate("Send router advertisements on this device."))
+ ra:depends(device .. "_config", 1)
+ ra.rmempty = true
function cbi_dhcprange(device)
local dhcprange = n:taboption(device, Value, device .. "_dhcprange", translate("DHCP IP range"),
translate("The IP range from which clients are assigned ip addresses (e.g. " ..
local wired_nets = {}
uci:foreach("network", "interface", function(section)
local device = section[".name"]
- if not util.contains(nets, device) and device ~= "loopback" then
+ if not util.contains(nets, device) and device ~= "loopback" and not device:find("wireless") then
table.insert(nets, device)
table.insert(wired_nets, device)
-- DHCP range
+ -- IPv6 addr and RA
+ if community_ipv6 == "1" then
+ if community_ipv6mode == "static" then
+ cbi_ip6addr(device)
+ end
+ cbi_ra(device)
+ end
-- Enable VAP
if hwtype == "atheros" then
local vap = n:taboption(device, Flag, device .. "_vap", translate("Virtual Access Point (VAP)"),
+ -- IPv6 addr and RA
+ if community_ipv6 == "1" then
+ if community_ipv6mode == "static" then
+ cbi_ip6addr(device)
+ end
+ cbi_ra(device)
+ end
+-- General settings
g = m:section(TypedSection, "general", translate("General Settings"))
g.anonymous = true
translate("Select this to allow others to use your connection to access the internet."))
share.rmempty = true
---function m.on_after_commit (self)
--- sys.call("/usr/bin/mesh-wizard/wizard.sh >/dev/null")
+-- IPv6 config
+if community_ipv6 == "1" then
+ v6 = m:section(NamedSection, "ipv6", nil, translate("IPv6 Settings"))
+ local enabled = v6:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("Enabled"),
+ translate("Activate or deactivate IPv6 config globally."))
+ enabled.default = meshkit_ipv6
+ enabled.rmempty = false
return m