ss = o.subsection;
ss.addremove = true;
ss.anonymous = true;
+ ss.modaltitle = _('Edit PXE/TFTP/BOOTP Host');
ss.nodescriptions = true;
so = ss.option(form.Value, 'filename',
so = ss.option(form.DynamicList, 'dhcp_option',
_('DHCP Options'),
- _('Options for the Network-ID. (Note: needs also Network-ID.) E.g. "<code>42,</code>" for NTP server, "<code>3,</code>" for default route. <code></code> means "the address of the system running dnsmasq".'));
+ _('Additional options to send to the below match tags.') + '<br />' +
+ _('%s means "the address of the system running dnsmasq".').format('<code></code>'));
so.optional = true;
- so.placeholder = '42,';
+ so.placeholder = 'option:root-path,';
- so = ss.option(widgets.DeviceSelect, 'networkid',
- _('Network-ID'),
- _('Apply DHCP Options to this net. (Empty = all clients).'));
+ so = ss.option(form.Value, 'networkid',
+ _('Match this Tag'),
+ _('Only DHCP Clients with this tag are sent this boot option.'));
so.optional = true;
so.noaliases = true;
so = ss.option(form.Flag, 'force',
- _('Always send DHCP Options. Sometimes needed, with e.g. PXELinux.'));
+ _('Always send the chosen DHCP options. Sometimes needed, with e.g. PXELinux.'));
so.optional = true;
so = ss.option(form.Value, 'instance',