mv $ $@
-# Create the special NAS4220B and Itian Square One SQ201 image
-# format with the squashfs and overlay inside the "rd.gz" file.
+# Create the default image format used by the StorLink reference design
+# SL93512r, Raidsonic NAS4220B and Itian Square One SQ201
+# with the squashfs and overlay inside the "rd.gz" file.
# We pad it out to 6144K which is the size of the initramfs partition.
# The "application" partition is just blank. You can put anything
# there when using OpenWRT. We just use that to create the
# "sysupgrade" firmware image.
-define Build/nas4220b-sq201-images
+define Build/storlink-default-images
mkdir -p $@.tmp
mv $@ $@.tmp/rd.gz
TARGET_DEVICES += dlink_dns-313
-define Device/itian-raidsonic
+# Default images setup used by the StorLink reference designs
+define Device/storlink-reference
IMAGES := factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | pad-to 6144k | \
- nas4220b-sq201-images $(1)
+ storlink-default-images $(1)
define Device/itian_sq201
- $(Device/itian-raidsonic)
+ $(Device/storlink-reference)
DEVICE_TITLE := ITian Square One SQ201
DEVICE_DTS := gemini-sq201
DEVICE_PACKAGES += kmod-rt61-pci kmod-usb2-pci
TARGET_DEVICES += itian_sq201
define Device/raidsonic_ib-4220-b
- $(Device/itian-raidsonic)
+ $(Device/storlink-reference)
DEVICE_TITLE := Raidsonic NAS IB-4220-B
DEVICE_DTS := gemini-nas4220b
TARGET_DEVICES += raidsonic_ib-4220-b
+define Device/storlink-sl93512r
+ $(Device/storlink-reference)
+ DEVICE_TITLE := StorLink SL93512r
+ DEVICE_DTS := gemini-sl93512r
+TARGET_DEVICES += storlink_sl93512r
# The wiliboard images need some changes to be functional and buildable.
# The dts would need to use the ecoscentric,redboot-fis-partitions partition