local longitude = uci:get_first ("system", "system", "longitude")
local location = uci:get_first ("system", "system", "location")
local basicsurl = luci.dispatcher.build_url(luci.dispatcher.context.path[1], "freifunk", "basics")
+local nickname, name, mail
+if not contact then
+ nickname, name, mail = ""
+ nickname = contact.nickname
+ name = contact.name
+ mail = contact.mail
<p />
-<% if not (contact.nickname and contact.name and contact.mail) then%>
+<% if not (nickname and name and mail) then%>
<div class="error">
<%:Contact information is incomplete. Please go to%> <a href='<%=contacturl%>'><%:Contact%></a> <%:and fill out all required fields.%>
<p />