#define STACK_OFFSET 8*3
-#define HashKey 16*0 // store HashKey <<1 mod poly here
-#define HashKey_2 16*1 // store HashKey^2 <<1 mod poly here
-#define HashKey_3 16*2 // store HashKey^3 <<1 mod poly here
-#define HashKey_4 16*3 // store HashKey^4 <<1 mod poly here
-#define HashKey_k 16*4 // store XOR of High 64 bits and Low 64
- // bits of HashKey <<1 mod poly here
- //(for Karatsuba purposes)
-#define HashKey_2_k 16*5 // store XOR of High 64 bits and Low 64
- // bits of HashKey^2 <<1 mod poly here
- // (for Karatsuba purposes)
-#define HashKey_3_k 16*6 // store XOR of High 64 bits and Low 64
- // bits of HashKey^3 <<1 mod poly here
- // (for Karatsuba purposes)
-#define HashKey_4_k 16*7 // store XOR of High 64 bits and Low 64
- // bits of HashKey^4 <<1 mod poly here
- // (for Karatsuba purposes)
-#define VARIABLE_OFFSET 16*8
#define AadHash 16*0
#define AadLen 16*1
#define OrigIV 16*3
#define CurCount 16*4
#define PBlockLen 16*5
+#define HashKey 16*6 // store HashKey <<1 mod poly here
+#define HashKey_2 16*7 // store HashKey^2 <<1 mod poly here
+#define HashKey_3 16*8 // store HashKey^3 <<1 mod poly here
+#define HashKey_4 16*9 // store HashKey^4 <<1 mod poly here
+#define HashKey_k 16*10 // store XOR of High 64 bits and Low 64
+ // bits of HashKey <<1 mod poly here
+ //(for Karatsuba purposes)
+#define HashKey_2_k 16*11 // store XOR of High 64 bits and Low 64
+ // bits of HashKey^2 <<1 mod poly here
+ // (for Karatsuba purposes)
+#define HashKey_3_k 16*12 // store XOR of High 64 bits and Low 64
+ // bits of HashKey^3 <<1 mod poly here
+ // (for Karatsuba purposes)
+#define HashKey_4_k 16*13 // store XOR of High 64 bits and Low 64
+ // bits of HashKey^4 <<1 mod poly here
+ // (for Karatsuba purposes)
#define arg1 rdi
#define arg2 rsi
#define arg4 rcx
#define arg5 r8
#define arg6 r9
-#define arg7 STACK_OFFSET+8(%r14)
-#define arg8 STACK_OFFSET+16(%r14)
-#define arg9 STACK_OFFSET+24(%r14)
-#define arg10 STACK_OFFSET+32(%r14)
-#define arg11 STACK_OFFSET+40(%r14)
+#define arg7 STACK_OFFSET+8(%rsp)
+#define arg8 STACK_OFFSET+16(%rsp)
+#define arg9 STACK_OFFSET+24(%rsp)
+#define arg10 STACK_OFFSET+32(%rsp)
+#define arg11 STACK_OFFSET+40(%rsp)
#define keysize 2*15*16(%arg1)
push %r12
push %r13
push %r14
- mov %rsp, %r14
# states of %xmm registers %xmm6:%xmm15 not saved
# all %xmm registers are clobbered
- sub $VARIABLE_OFFSET, %rsp
- and $~63, %rsp
- mov %r14, %rsp
pop %r14
pop %r13
pop %r12
+# Precompute hashkeys.
+# Input: Hash subkey.
+# Output: HashKeys stored in gcm_context_data. Only needs to be called
+# once per key.
+# clobbers r12, and tmp xmm registers.
+ mov arg7, %r12
+ movdqu (%r12), \TMP3
+ movdqa SHUF_MASK(%rip), \TMP2
+ # precompute HashKey<<1 mod poly from the HashKey (required for GHASH)
+ movdqa \TMP3, \TMP2
+ psllq $1, \TMP3
+ psrlq $63, \TMP2
+ movdqa \TMP2, \TMP1
+ pslldq $8, \TMP2
+ psrldq $8, \TMP1
+ por \TMP2, \TMP3
+ # reduce HashKey<<1
+ pshufd $0x24, \TMP1, \TMP2
+ pcmpeqd TWOONE(%rip), \TMP2
+ pand POLY(%rip), \TMP2
+ pxor \TMP2, \TMP3
+ movdqa \TMP3, HashKey(%arg2)
+ movdqa \TMP3, \TMP5
+ pshufd $78, \TMP3, \TMP1
+ pxor \TMP3, \TMP1
+ movdqa \TMP1, HashKey_k(%arg2)
+ GHASH_MUL \TMP5, \TMP3, \TMP1, \TMP2, \TMP4, \TMP6, \TMP7
+# TMP5 = HashKey^2<<1 (mod poly)
+ movdqa \TMP5, HashKey_2(%arg2)
+# HashKey_2 = HashKey^2<<1 (mod poly)
+ pshufd $78, \TMP5, \TMP1
+ pxor \TMP5, \TMP1
+ movdqa \TMP1, HashKey_2_k(%arg2)
+ GHASH_MUL \TMP5, \TMP3, \TMP1, \TMP2, \TMP4, \TMP6, \TMP7
+# TMP5 = HashKey^3<<1 (mod poly)
+ movdqa \TMP5, HashKey_3(%arg2)
+ pshufd $78, \TMP5, \TMP1
+ pxor \TMP5, \TMP1
+ movdqa \TMP1, HashKey_3_k(%arg2)
+ GHASH_MUL \TMP5, \TMP3, \TMP1, \TMP2, \TMP4, \TMP6, \TMP7
+# TMP5 = HashKey^3<<1 (mod poly)
+ movdqa \TMP5, HashKey_4(%arg2)
+ pshufd $78, \TMP5, \TMP1
+ pxor \TMP5, \TMP1
+ movdqa \TMP1, HashKey_4_k(%arg2)
# GCM_INIT initializes a gcm_context struct to prepare for encoding/decoding.
# Clobbers rax, r10-r13 and xmm0-xmm6, %xmm13
.macro GCM_INIT
mov arg9, %r11
mov %r11, AadLen(%arg2) # ctx_data.aad_length = aad_length
xor %r11, %r11
PSHUFB_XMM %xmm2, %xmm0
movdqu %xmm0, CurCount(%arg2) # ctx_data.current_counter = iv
- mov arg7, %r12
- movdqu (%r12), %xmm13
- movdqa SHUF_MASK(%rip), %xmm2
- PSHUFB_XMM %xmm2, %xmm13
- # precompute HashKey<<1 mod poly from the HashKey (required for GHASH)
- movdqa %xmm13, %xmm2
- psllq $1, %xmm13
- psrlq $63, %xmm2
- movdqa %xmm2, %xmm1
- pslldq $8, %xmm2
- psrldq $8, %xmm1
- por %xmm2, %xmm13
- # reduce HashKey<<1
- pshufd $0x24, %xmm1, %xmm2
- pcmpeqd TWOONE(%rip), %xmm2
- pand POLY(%rip), %xmm2
- pxor %xmm2, %xmm13
- movdqa %xmm13, HashKey(%rsp)
+ PRECOMPUTE %xmm1 %xmm2 %xmm3 %xmm4 %xmm5 %xmm6 %xmm7
+ movdqa HashKey(%arg2), %xmm13
CALC_AAD_HASH %xmm13 %xmm0 %xmm1 %xmm2 %xmm3 %xmm4 \
%xmm5 %xmm6
# Clobbers rax, r10-r13, and xmm0-xmm15
.macro GCM_ENC_DEC operation
movdqu AadHash(%arg2), %xmm8
- movdqu HashKey(%rsp), %xmm13
+ movdqu HashKey(%arg2), %xmm13
add %arg5, InLen(%arg2)
mov %arg5, %r13 # save the number of bytes
and $-16, %r13 # %r13 = %r13 - (%r13 mod 16)
# Clobbers rax, r10-r12, and xmm0, xmm1, xmm5-xmm15
movdqu AadHash(%arg2), %xmm8
- movdqu HashKey(%rsp), %xmm13
+ movdqu HashKey(%arg2), %xmm13
mov PBlockLen(%arg2), %r12
* the ciphertext
* %r10, %r11, %r12, %rax, %xmm5, %xmm6, %xmm7, %xmm8, %xmm9 registers
* are clobbered
-* arg1, %arg2, %arg3, %r14 are used as a pointer only, not modified
+* arg1, %arg2, %arg3 are used as a pointer only, not modified
pxor \TMP1, \XMM2
pxor \TMP1, \XMM3
pxor \TMP1, \XMM4
- movdqa \TMP3, \TMP5
- pshufd $78, \TMP3, \TMP1
- pxor \TMP3, \TMP1
- movdqa \TMP1, HashKey_k(%rsp)
- GHASH_MUL \TMP5, \TMP3, \TMP1, \TMP2, \TMP4, \TMP6, \TMP7
-# TMP5 = HashKey^2<<1 (mod poly)
- movdqa \TMP5, HashKey_2(%rsp)
-# HashKey_2 = HashKey^2<<1 (mod poly)
- pshufd $78, \TMP5, \TMP1
- pxor \TMP5, \TMP1
- movdqa \TMP1, HashKey_2_k(%rsp)
.irpc index, 1234 # do 4 rounds
movaps 0x10*\index(%arg1), \TMP1
- GHASH_MUL \TMP5, \TMP3, \TMP1, \TMP2, \TMP4, \TMP6, \TMP7
-# TMP5 = HashKey^3<<1 (mod poly)
- movdqa \TMP5, HashKey_3(%rsp)
- pshufd $78, \TMP5, \TMP1
- pxor \TMP5, \TMP1
- movdqa \TMP1, HashKey_3_k(%rsp)
.irpc index, 56789 # do next 5 rounds
movaps 0x10*\index(%arg1), \TMP1
- GHASH_MUL \TMP5, \TMP3, \TMP1, \TMP2, \TMP4, \TMP6, \TMP7
-# TMP5 = HashKey^3<<1 (mod poly)
- movdqa \TMP5, HashKey_4(%rsp)
- pshufd $78, \TMP5, \TMP1
- pxor \TMP5, \TMP1
- movdqa \TMP1, HashKey_4_k(%rsp)
lea 0xa0(%arg1),%r10
mov keysize,%eax
shr $2,%eax # 128->4, 192->6, 256->8
pshufd $78, \XMM5, \TMP6
pxor \XMM5, \TMP6
paddd ONE(%rip), \XMM0 # INCR CNT
- movdqa HashKey_4(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_4(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x11, \TMP5, \TMP4 # TMP4 = a1*b1
movdqa \XMM0, \XMM1
paddd ONE(%rip), \XMM0 # INCR CNT
pxor (%arg1), \XMM2
pxor (%arg1), \XMM3
pxor (%arg1), \XMM4
- movdqa HashKey_4_k(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_4_k(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \TMP6 # TMP6 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
movaps 0x10(%arg1), \TMP1
AESENC \TMP1, \XMM1 # Round 1
movdqa \XMM6, \TMP1
pshufd $78, \XMM6, \TMP2
pxor \XMM6, \TMP2
- movdqa HashKey_3(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_3(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x11, \TMP5, \TMP1 # TMP1 = a1 * b1
movaps 0x30(%arg1), \TMP3
AESENC \TMP3, \XMM1 # Round 3
- movdqa HashKey_3_k(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_3_k(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \TMP2 # TMP2 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
movaps 0x50(%arg1), \TMP3
AESENC \TMP3, \XMM1 # Round 5
movdqa \XMM7, \TMP1
pshufd $78, \XMM7, \TMP2
pxor \XMM7, \TMP2
- movdqa HashKey_2(%rsp ), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_2(%arg2), \TMP5
# Multiply TMP5 * HashKey using karatsuba
- movdqa HashKey_2_k(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_2_k(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \TMP2 # TMP2 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
movaps 0x80(%arg1), \TMP3
AESENC \TMP3, \XMM1 # Round 8
movdqa \XMM8, \TMP1
pshufd $78, \XMM8, \TMP2
pxor \XMM8, \TMP2
- movdqa HashKey(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x11, \TMP5, \TMP1 # TMP1 = a1*b1
movaps 0x90(%arg1), \TMP3
AESENC \TMP3, \XMM1 # Round 9
- movdqa HashKey_k(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_k(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \TMP2 # TMP2 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
movdqu (%arg4,%r11,1), \TMP3
pxor \TMP3, \XMM1 # Ciphertext/Plaintext XOR EK
pshufd $78, \XMM5, \TMP6
pxor \XMM5, \TMP6
paddd ONE(%rip), \XMM0 # INCR CNT
- movdqa HashKey_4(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_4(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x11, \TMP5, \TMP4 # TMP4 = a1*b1
movdqa \XMM0, \XMM1
paddd ONE(%rip), \XMM0 # INCR CNT
pxor (%arg1), \XMM2
pxor (%arg1), \XMM3
pxor (%arg1), \XMM4
- movdqa HashKey_4_k(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_4_k(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \TMP6 # TMP6 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
movaps 0x10(%arg1), \TMP1
AESENC \TMP1, \XMM1 # Round 1
movdqa \XMM6, \TMP1
pshufd $78, \XMM6, \TMP2
pxor \XMM6, \TMP2
- movdqa HashKey_3(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_3(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x11, \TMP5, \TMP1 # TMP1 = a1 * b1
movaps 0x30(%arg1), \TMP3
AESENC \TMP3, \XMM1 # Round 3
- movdqa HashKey_3_k(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_3_k(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \TMP2 # TMP2 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
movaps 0x50(%arg1), \TMP3
AESENC \TMP3, \XMM1 # Round 5
movdqa \XMM7, \TMP1
pshufd $78, \XMM7, \TMP2
pxor \XMM7, \TMP2
- movdqa HashKey_2(%rsp ), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_2(%arg2), \TMP5
# Multiply TMP5 * HashKey using karatsuba
- movdqa HashKey_2_k(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_2_k(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \TMP2 # TMP2 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
movaps 0x80(%arg1), \TMP3
AESENC \TMP3, \XMM1 # Round 8
movdqa \XMM8, \TMP1
pshufd $78, \XMM8, \TMP2
pxor \XMM8, \TMP2
- movdqa HashKey(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x11, \TMP5, \TMP1 # TMP1 = a1*b1
movaps 0x90(%arg1), \TMP3
AESENC \TMP3, \XMM1 # Round 9
- movdqa HashKey_k(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_k(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \TMP2 # TMP2 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
movdqu (%arg4,%r11,1), \TMP3
pxor \TMP3, \XMM1 # Ciphertext/Plaintext XOR EK
movdqa \XMM1, \TMP6
pshufd $78, \XMM1, \TMP2
pxor \XMM1, \TMP2
- movdqa HashKey_4(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_4(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x11, \TMP5, \TMP6 # TMP6 = a1*b1
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \XMM1 # XMM1 = a0*b0
- movdqa HashKey_4_k(%rsp), \TMP4
+ movdqa HashKey_4_k(%arg2), \TMP4
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP4, \TMP2 # TMP2 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
movdqa \XMM1, \XMMDst
movdqa \TMP2, \XMM1 # result in TMP6, XMMDst, XMM1
movdqa \XMM2, \TMP1
pshufd $78, \XMM2, \TMP2
pxor \XMM2, \TMP2
- movdqa HashKey_3(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_3(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x11, \TMP5, \TMP1 # TMP1 = a1*b1
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \XMM2 # XMM2 = a0*b0
- movdqa HashKey_3_k(%rsp), \TMP4
+ movdqa HashKey_3_k(%arg2), \TMP4
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP4, \TMP2 # TMP2 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
pxor \TMP1, \TMP6
pxor \XMM2, \XMMDst
movdqa \XMM3, \TMP1
pshufd $78, \XMM3, \TMP2
pxor \XMM3, \TMP2
- movdqa HashKey_2(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey_2(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x11, \TMP5, \TMP1 # TMP1 = a1*b1
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \XMM3 # XMM3 = a0*b0
- movdqa HashKey_2_k(%rsp), \TMP4
+ movdqa HashKey_2_k(%arg2), \TMP4
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP4, \TMP2 # TMP2 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
pxor \TMP1, \TMP6
pxor \XMM3, \XMMDst
movdqa \XMM4, \TMP1
pshufd $78, \XMM4, \TMP2
pxor \XMM4, \TMP2
- movdqa HashKey(%rsp), \TMP5
+ movdqa HashKey(%arg2), \TMP5
PCLMULQDQ 0x11, \TMP5, \TMP1 # TMP1 = a1*b1
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP5, \XMM4 # XMM4 = a0*b0
- movdqa HashKey_k(%rsp), \TMP4
+ movdqa HashKey_k(%arg2), \TMP4
PCLMULQDQ 0x00, \TMP4, \TMP2 # TMP2 = (a1+a0)*(b1+b0)
pxor \TMP1, \TMP6
pxor \XMM4, \XMMDst