define Package/dropbear/conffiles
-$(if $(CONFIG_DROPBEAR_ED25519),/etc/dropbear/dropbear_ed25519_host_key)
-$(if $(CONFIG_DROPBEAR_ECC),/etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key)
define Package/dropbearconvert
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/dropbear
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/preinit
$(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/dropbear.failsafe $(1)/lib/preinit/99_10_failsafe_dropbear
- $(if $(CONFIG_DROPBEAR_ED25519),touch $(1)/etc/dropbear/dropbear_ed25519_host_key)
- $(if $(CONFIG_DROPBEAR_ECC),touch $(1)/etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key)
- touch $(1)/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
+ $(foreach f,$(filter /etc/dropbear/%,$(Package/dropbear/conffiles)),$(if $(wildcard $(TOPDIR)/files/$(f)),chmod 0600 $(TOPDIR)/files/$(f) || :; ))
define Package/dropbearconvert/install
extra_command "killclients" "Kill ${NAME} processes except servers and yourself"
+# most of time real_stat() will be failing
+# due to missing "stat" binary (by default)
+real_stat() { env stat -L "$@" 2>/dev/null ; }
+dumb_stat() { ls -Ldln "$1" | tr -s '\t ' ' ' ; }
+stat_perm() { real_stat -c '%A' "$1" || dumb_stat "$1" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 ; }
+stat_owner() { real_stat -c '%u' "$1" || dumb_stat "$1" | cut -d ' ' -f 3 ; }
- /usr/bin/dropbearkey "$@" 0<&- 1>&- 2>&-
+ /usr/bin/dropbearkey "$@" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1
-# $1 - host key file name
+# $1 - file name (host key or config)
[ -f "$1" ] || return 1
- [ -s "$1" ] || return 2
- _dropbearkey -y -f "$1" || return 3
+ # checking file ownership
+ [ "$(stat_owner "$1")" = "0" ] || {
+ chown 0 "$1"
+ [ "$(stat_owner "$1")" = "0" ] || return 2
+ }
+ # checking file permissions
+ [ "$(stat_perm "$1")" = "-rw-------" ] || {
+ chmod 0600 "$1"
+ [ "$(stat_perm "$1")" = "-rw-------" ] || return 3
+ }
+ # file is host key or not?
+ # if $2 is empty string - file is "host key"
+ # if $2 is non-empty string - file is "config"
+ [ -z "$2" ] || return 0
+ # checking file contents (finally)
+ [ -s "$1" ] || return 4
+ _dropbearkey -y -f "$1" || return 5
return 0
-# $1 - hk_verify() return code
+# $1 - file_verify() return code
case "$1" in
0) ;;
1) echo "file does not exist" ;;
- 2) echo "file has zero length" ;;
- 3) echo "file is not valid host key or not supported" ;;
+ 2) echo "file has wrong owner (must be owned by root)" ;;
+ 3) echo "file has wrong permissions (must not have group/other write bit)" ;;
+ 4) echo "file has zero length" ;;
+ 5) echo "file is not valid host key or not supported" ;;
*) echo "unknown error" ;;
local x m
- hk_verify "$2"; x=$?
- case "$x" in
- 0) procd_append_param command -r "$2"
- ;;
- *) m=$(hk_errmsg "$x")
- logger -t "${NAME}" -p daemon.warn \
- "option '$1', value '$2': $m, skipping"
- ;;
- esac
+ file_verify "$2" ; x=$?
+ if [ "$x" = 0 ] ; then
+ procd_append_param command -r "$2"
+ return
+ fi
+ m=$(file_errmsg "$x")
+ logger -s -t "${NAME}" -p daemon.warn \
+ "Option '$1', skipping '$2': $m"
# $1 - host key file name
- hk_config 'keyfile' "$1"
+hk_config__keyfile() { hk_config keyfile "$1" ; }
+ktype_all='ed25519 ecdsa rsa'
- local kdir kgen ktype tdir kcount tfile
- kdir='/etc/dropbear'
+ local hk_cfg_dir kgen ktype kfile hk_tmp_dir
+ hk_cfg_dir='/etc/dropbear'
+ [ -d "${hk_cfg_dir}" ] || mkdir -p "${hk_cfg_dir}"
- kgen=''
- for ktype in ed25519 ecdsa rsa; do
- hk_verify "${kdir}/dropbear_${ktype}_host_key" && continue
+ kgen=
+ for ktype in ${ktype_all} ; do
+ kfile="${hk_cfg_dir}/dropbear_${ktype}_host_key"
- kgen="${kgen} ${ktype}"
+ if file_verify "${kfile}" ; then continue ; fi
+ kgen="${kgen}${kgen:+ }${ktype}"
- [ -z "${kgen}" ] && return
+ # all keys are sane?
+ [ -n "${kgen}" ] || return 0
+ hk_tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
+ # system in bad state?
+ [ -n "${hk_tmp_dir}" ] || return 1
- tdir=$(mktemp -d); chmod 0700 "${tdir}"
+ chmod 0700 "${hk_tmp_dir}"
- kcount=0
- for ktype in ${kgen}; do
- tfile="${tdir}/dropbear_${ktype}_host_key"
+ for ktype in ${kgen} ; do
+ kfile="${hk_tmp_dir}/dropbear_${ktype}_host_key"
- if ! _dropbearkey -t ${ktype} -f "${tfile}"; then
+ if ! _dropbearkey -t ${ktype} -f "${kfile}" ; then
# unsupported key type
- rm -f "${tfile}"
+ rm -f "${kfile}"
- kcount=$((kcount+1))
+ chmod 0600 "${kfile}"
+ done
+ kgen=
+ for ktype in ${ktype_all} ; do
+ kfile="${hk_tmp_dir}/dropbear_${ktype}_host_key"
+ [ -s "${kfile}" ] || continue
+ kgen="${kgen}${kgen:+ }${ktype}"
- if [ ${kcount} -ne 0 ]; then
- mkdir -p "${kdir}"; chmod 0700 "${kdir}"; chown root "${kdir}"
- mv -f "${tdir}/"* "${kdir}/"
+ if [ -n "${kgen}" ] ; then
+ for ktype in ${kgen} ; do
+ kfile="${hk_tmp_dir}/dropbear_${ktype}_host_key"
+ [ -s "${kfile}" ] || continue
+ mv -f "${kfile}" "${hk_cfg_dir}/"
+ done
- rm -rf "${tdir}"
+ rm -rf "${hk_tmp_dir}"
+ # cleanup empty files
+ for ktype in ${ktype_all} ; do
+ kfile="${hk_cfg_dir}/dropbear_${ktype}_host_key"
+ [ -s "${kfile}" ] || rm -f "${kfile}"
+ done
+ file_verify /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys config
. /lib/functions.sh
. /lib/functions/network.sh