title = get_title(entry)
if len(title) == 0:
- sys.stderr.write(f"Empty title. Skip title in {path}\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("Empty title. Skip title for {}".format(id))
output["models"][title] = {"id": id, "target": target, "images": images}
if obj["metadata_version"] != SUPPORTED_METADATA_VERSION:
- f"{path} has unsupported metadata version: {obj['metadata_version']} => skip\n"
+ "{} has unsupported metadata version: {} => skip".format(
+ path, obj["metadata_version"]
+ )
add_profile(obj["id"], obj["target"], obj, code)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
- sys.stderr.write(f"Skip {path}\n {e}\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("Skip {}\n {}\n".format(path, e))
except KeyError as e:
- sys.stderr.write(f"Abort on {path}\n Missing key {e}\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("Abort on {}\n Missing key {}\n".format(path, e))
return output
with open(config_path, "r") as file:
content = file.read()
- content = re.sub("versions:[\\s]*{[^}]*}", f"versions: {versions}", content)
+ content = re.sub("versions:[\\s]*{[^}]*}", "versions: {}".format(versions), content)
with open(config_path, "w+") as file:
def scrape(args):
url = args.domain
selector_path = args.selector
- config_path = f"{selector_path}/config.js"
- data_path = f"{selector_path}/data"
+ config_path = "{}/config.js".format(selector_path)
+ data_path = "{}/data".format(selector_path)
versions = {}
def handle_release(target):
profiles = {}
- with urllib.request.urlopen(f"{target}/?json") as file:
+ with urllib.request.urlopen("{}/?json".format(target)) as file:
array = json.loads(file.read().decode("utf-8"))
for profile in filter(lambda x: x.endswith("/profiles.json"), array):
- with urllib.request.urlopen(f"{target}/{profile}") as file:
- profiles[f"{target}/{profile}"] = file.read()
+ with urllib.request.urlopen("{}/{}".format(target, profile)) as file:
+ profiles["{}/{}".format(target, profile)] = file.read()
return profiles
if not os.path.isfile(config_path):
- print(f"file not found: {config_path}")
+ print("file not found: {}".format(config_path))
# fetch release URLs
for path in re.findall(r"href=[\"']?([^'\" >]+)", str(infile.read())):
if not path.startswith("/") and path.endswith("targets/"):
release = path.strip("/").split("/")[-2]
- download_url = f"{url}/{path}/{{target}}"
+ download_url = "{}/{}/{{target}}".format(url, path)
- profiles = handle_release(f"{url}/{path}")
+ profiles = handle_release("{}/{}".format(url, path))
output = merge_profiles(profiles, download_url)
if len(output) > 0:
- os.makedirs(f"{data_path}/{release}", exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs("{}/{}".format(data_path, release), exist_ok=True)
# write overview.json
- with open(f"{data_path}/{release}/overview.json", "w") as outfile:
+ with open(
+ "{}/{}/overview.json".format(data_path, release), "w"
+ ) as outfile:
if args.formatted:
json.dump(output, outfile, indent=" ", sort_keys=True)
json.dump(output, outfile, sort_keys=True)
- versions[release.upper()] = f"data/{release}/overview.json"
+ versions[release.upper()] = "data/{}/overview.json".format(release)
update_config(config_path, versions)
def scrape_wget(args):
url = args.domain
selector_path = args.selector
- config_path = f"{selector_path}/config.js"
- data_path = f"{selector_path}/data"
+ config_path = "{}/config.js".format(selector_path)
+ data_path = "{}/data".format(selector_path)
versions = {}
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
# download all profiles.json files
- f"wget -c -r -P {tmp_dir} -A 'profiles.json' --reject-regex 'kmods|packages' --no-parent {url}"
+ "wget -c -r -P {} -A 'profiles.json' --reject-regex 'kmods|packages' --no-parent {}".format(
+ tmp_dir, url
+ )
# delete empty folders
- os.system(f"find {tmp_dir}/* -type d -empty -delete")
+ os.system("find {}/* -type d -empty -delete".format(tmp_dir))
# create overview.json files
- for path in glob.glob(f"{tmp_dir}/*/snapshots") + glob.glob(
- f"{tmp_dir}/*/releases/*"
+ for path in glob.glob("{}/*/snapshots".format(tmp_dir)) + glob.glob(
+ "{}/*/releases/*".format(tmp_dir)
release = os.path.basename(path)
base = path[len(tmp_dir) + 1 :]
if len(profiles) == 0:
- versions[release.upper()] = f"data/{release}/overview.json"
+ versions[release.upper()] = "data/{}/overview.json".format(release)
- output = merge_profiles(profiles, f"https://{base}/targets/{{target}}")
- os.makedirs(f"{data_path}/{release}", exist_ok=True)
+ output = merge_profiles(
+ profiles, "https://{}/targets/{{target}}".format(base)
+ )
+ os.makedirs("{}/{}".format(data_path, release), exist_ok=True)
# write overview.json
- with open(f"{data_path}/{release}/overview.json", "w") as outfile:
+ with open("{}/{}/overview.json".format(data_path, release), "w") as outfile:
if args.formatted:
json.dump(output, outfile, indent=" ", sort_keys=True)
if not path.endswith(".json"):
- sys.stderr.write(f"Folder does not exists: {path}\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("Folder does not exists: {}\n".format(path))
def scan(args):
selector_path = args.selector
- config_path = f"{selector_path}/config.js"
- data_path = f"{selector_path}/data"
+ config_path = "{}/config.js".format(selector_path)
+ data_path = "{}/data".format(selector_path)
versions = {}
# create overview.json files
- for path in glob.glob(f"{args.directory}/snapshots") + glob.glob(
- f"{args.directory}/releases/*"
+ for path in glob.glob("{}/snapshots".format(args.directory)) + glob.glob(
+ "{}/releases/*".format(args.directory)
release = os.path.basename(path)
base_dir = path[len(args.directory) + 1 :]
if len(profiles) == 0:
- versions[release.upper()] = f"data/{release}/overview.json"
+ versions[release.upper()] = "data/{}/overview.json".format(release)
output = merge_profiles(
- profiles, f"https://{args.domain}/{base_dir}/targets/{{target}}"
+ profiles, "https://{}/{}/targets/{{target}}".format(args.domain, base_dir)
- os.makedirs(f"{data_path}/{release}", exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs("{}/{}".format(data_path, release), exist_ok=True)
# write overview.json
- with open(f"{data_path}/{release}/overview.json", "w") as outfile:
+ with open("{}/{}/overview.json".format(data_path, release), "w") as outfile:
if args.formatted:
json.dump(output, outfile, indent=" ", sort_keys=True)