kamailio-5.x: bump to 5.2.1
- bump to 5.2.1
- drops sources.openwrt.org from PKG_SOURCE_URL because this mirror is
meant as last resort
- adds six new modules (app_python3 marked @BROKEN - doesn't compile
- 050-fix-kamailio-utils.patch refreshed. Alpine pushed a fix upstream
that fixes the quoting issue, so this part could be dropped. I found
some other issue with kamctl, where the prompt (for password) wasn't
shown because OpenWrt doesn't have /dev/stderr. So I fixed that and
added it to this patch as well. Sent upstream.
- hiredis handling was changed upstream. They changed the default
include from "hiredis/hiredis.h" (which worked for us) to "hiredis.h".
And the only way to get "hiredis/hiredis.h" is via pkg-config, which
upstream doesn't allow during cross-compile, probably because hiredis
pkg-config is rubbish. Patch added to forces pkg-config detection.
Also includes a fix for a logical error in the Makefile regarding
header setup. Sent upstream.
Patch to fix hiredis pkg-config file sent upstream (also to OpenWrt
package maintainer). Even without hiredis patch we can get away with
forcing pkg-config detection of hiredis.
- dropped two patches that were upstreamed
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Kemper <sebastian_ml@gmx.net>