tools/cmake: disable cmake script debugger
Upstream commit
("cmake: Add debugger") added a huge amount of code
in order to create a debugging feature for CMakeLists.txt
of other projects. This was added to CMake since 3.27.x.
Unforunately, this new debugger will not build on ARM systems
like arm-linux-gnueabihf (Raspberry Pi 4), and takes up
extra build time for something Openwrt doesn't need,
yet it was enabled by default. (Thanks Microsoft....)
Specifically, it's a failure to link to functions like
__atomic_store_8, __atomic_load_8, __atomic_fetch_add_8, etc.
Let's just disable it.
Someone who really needs this for developing can have CMake
with the debugger on their host machine or manually re-enable it here.
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <>