pbr: update to 1.1.1-1
*** MAKEFILE ***
* remove libubus dependency as it was causing issues
* move firewall hotplug directory/file creation out of default section into
pbr and pbr-iptables packages sections in preparation for dropping it from pbr
* fix no new line after output when uninstalling packages
* only add firewall include to firewall config if the include file exists
* add shellcheck exception to netifd uci-defaults file
*** SCRIPTS ***
* more informative logging for firewall and iface hotplug scripts
* more informative logging for firewall include script
*** SERVICE ***
* introduce lock-file to prevent package starting on external events if it hasn't
been auto- or manually started before
* use the `ip`, not `ip-full` command to prevent errors on OpenWrt 21.02
* parse firewall WAN zone to append list of interfaces
* append error and warning "arrays" with new messages
* used shared memory to store the service output/logging messages
* improve is_ovpn function to filter out false positives when interface names started
with `tun`
* introduce is_valid_ovpn to find OpenVPN tunnels where the device name in OpenVPN config
matches the device name in network config
* introduce opkg_get_version to compare versions of principal and luci packages
* better code to obtain AdGuardHome version with betas installed
* optimize code and add better logging for errors when inserting policies with iptables
* optimize code and add better logging for errors when inserting policies with nft
* bugfix: insert policies in all specified protocols
* bugfix: support using physical devices in policies in nft mode
* bugfix: use iptPrefix, not nftPrefix in iptables commands
* implement Tor support in nft mode
* bugfix: fix spelling for User File Syntax error
* restart service fully (instead of quick reload) for OpenVPN interface events, as
the order/number of supported interfaces
* more verbose output (showing handles) of status in nft mode
* improve `icmp_interface`, `ignored_interface`, `supported_interface` validation
* improve `interface`, validation regex
Signed-off-by: Stan Grishin <stangri@melmac.ca>
(cherry picked from commit