compat-wireless: really fix atl1c and alx for >= 2.6.28
This *really* fixes the config options:
mcgrof@flash ~/staging/compat-wireless-3.4-rc3-1-p $ ckmake 2.6.27..2.6.29
Going to use kernel ranges: 2.6.27..2.6.29
2.6.27 132635 <= 2.6.29 132637 <= 2.6.29 132637
2.6.27 132635 <= 2.6.28 132636 <= 2.6.29 132637
2.6.27 132635 <= 2.6.27 132635 <= 2.6.29 132637
Trying kernel 2.6.29-
02062906-generic [OK]
Trying kernel 2.6.28-
02062810-generic [OK]
Trying kernel 2.6.27-020627-generic [OK]
Signed-off-by: Luis R. Rodriguez <>