ksmbd-tools: adjust smb2 max read/write/trans and cache
Now for all devices with every size of RAM it is set to:
`smb2 max read = 64K`
`smb2 max write = 64K`
`smb2 max trans = 64K`
Instead of fixed value to 64K is better to check RAM size and adjust to:
32 ~ 64MB RAM, set the value to 64K
64 ~ 128MB, set it to 128KB
128 ~ 256MB, set it to 1MB
More than 256MB leave default size to 4MB
With 64MB and 128MB is better also to disable the read/write cache
`cache read buffers = no`
`cache write buffers = no`
Signed-off-by: Andrea Pesaresi <andreapesaresi82@gmail.com>